Synaptic connections between descending projection fibers from nucleus raphe magnus and neurons in caudal subnucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus projecting to the thalamus in the rat 大鼠中缝大核下行投射纤维与三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核向丘脑投射神经元之间的突触联系
Central projection of the afferent fibers of the vagus nerve 迷走神经传入纤维在中枢的投射
Similarly, the distributions of thalamic projection neurons, trigeminal primary afferent fibers and RMg descending projection fibers aslo overlap in the superficial layers of Vc. 在Vc浅层丘脑投射神经元与初级传入和RMg下行投射的分布也有重叠。
AIM: Anterograde labeling with biotinylated dextran amine ( BDA) is used to observe the distribution of projection fibers of cervical cord in cerebellar nuclei in rats. 目的:采用生物素化葡聚糖胺顺行追踪法观察大鼠颈髓投射纤维在小脑中央核中的分布情况。
Objective: To explore the changes of nitric oxide synthase ( NOS)-positive neurons in medial septum ( MS) after transecting adult rat fimbria-fornix projection fibers. 目的:观察离断成年大鼠一侧隔-海马投射纤维后内侧隔核(MS)一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)阳性神经元的变化情况。
AIM: To observe the characteristics of projection fibers from vestibular nucleus to oculomotor nucleus OMN in rats. 目的:观察大鼠前庭神经核群向动眼神经核的投射纤维特征。
Verification and significance of projection of somatic primary thick myelinated fibers to the sacral dorsal commissural nucleus 骶髓后连合核内躯体初级传入粗纤维的证明及其意义探讨
Objective To observe the developmental changes of projection and termination of proprioceptive afferent fibers in the mouse spinal cord. 目的观察本体觉传入纤维在小鼠脊髓内投射和终止的发育变化。
Rostral part of the AP had most projection fibers to the ventrolateral region of the PAG, only a few projection fibers were observed in other regions of the PAG. AP区的吻侧部向尾段PAG的腹外侧区投射最多,向其他部位投射较少;
Central projection of the sensory fibers of the vagus nerve was traced with HRP injected into the upper cervical part of the vagus nerve. 本文将HRP注入大白鼠的颈迷走神经干,用TMB成色法追踪颈迷走神经感觉纤维向中枢的投射。
Central projection of the afferent fibers of the thymus of rat 大鼠胸腺传入纤维在中枢内的跨节投射&CB-HRP法